what reading and writing mean to me

Both Reading and writing have been something that is very important in my life i remember my mom reading me stories every night before bed and insisting that reading and writing and being good at reading and writing will help you in life.

I’ve always been able to read very well as it is something that i enjoy very much. Reading has always been away for me to escape the troubles in my life around me. When i read i feel as if i’m escaping the real word, i can imagine myself in the story going through the characters life and stories with them. Reading is my favorite thing to do when i’m upset or feel as if i need to be away from people. Writing is something that has always been a giant factor in my life. Even though i’m not really good at writing I’ve always enjoyed writing as it is a great stress reliever.

With being a great reader it has helped me get over my stage fright. when i was younger i was so afraid to read anything in front of the class but after doing it so many times i realized that i was actually really good at it and now i can go up in front of so many people and talk or read.  Also with reading it helps advance your vocabulary and how you right and the way you see things in life.

Reading and writing have helped me in school so much whether it be math, science, or history, reading has helped tremendously because we always have to read text books and try and understand what they mean but the more you read the more you understand. We also use writing in classes like history and science we have to right reports all the time. Overall reading and writing are very important to the success of life.


Hi my name is Devon. This post is a little about me. I live in galena Ohio, i go to Big walnut High school and i work at McDonalds. I love to sing, dance, and be artistic.